I have come across a coding exercise that is not difficult to solve, but
somewhat stimulating to do so efficiently.
There are several solutions posted online to a slightly different rule set, but none
solved the problem efficiently. So I
thought I would share several solutions, each a bit more efficient than the
prior, all written in C++ 11 standard.
The Challenge
- The initial key press can be any of the keys
- Each subsequent key press must be a “knight move” from the previous key press
- There is no wrapping allowed while preforming the knight move
- There can be at most 2 vowels in the sequence
- The solution will be used to solve sequence lengths of 10, 16 and 32 key sequences
- The program will write the total number of valid key sequences on a single line to standard out
Knight Moves...
A knight move is made in one of the following ways:
A knight move is made in one of the following ways:
- Move 2 steps horizontally and 1 step vertically
- Move 2 steps vertically and 1 step horizontally
From 'H' navigation to {A,E,K,O,1,3} is valid, lets pick '1'
From '1' the valid next sequence is one of the following: {F,H,N}, lets pick 'F'
By now the pattern is pretty clear, but lets do one more move just to make sure.
From 'F' the valid set might be {C,M,1} or {C,M} it depends in the interpretation of knight moves. Observe that the path from 'F' to '1' would require moving through a position without a key. If a night move is strictly defined as 2 moves followed by 1 move then {C,M} is valid and {C,M,1} is invalid. For this example the assumption is that the order of the move doesn't matter as long as the move is an 'L' and thus {C,M,1} is valid. If you are asked to solve this puzzle, it's best to clarify what the assumption is.
Code Structure
Code Structure
In the illustrations above the rule set is established and a corner case was identified. In the following code the rules are formalized into C++ code using C++ 11 initializers for the definitions.
The type TKeyIdentity identifies each key on the keypad. Observe that TKeyPath is a STL vector that contains the valid set moves from the current key. Finally, observe that TKeyMap is a collection of TKeyPaths that represent all keys on the keypad.
The type TKeyIdentity identifies each key on the keypad. Observe that TKeyPath is a STL vector that contains the valid set moves from the current key. Finally, observe that TKeyMap is a collection of TKeyPaths that represent all keys on the keypad.
Recursive Model - Top Down Approach
Before trying to write optimal code, it's a good practice to write a simple solution that is easy to debug and and understand. This problem set is efficiently expressed in a recursive model where the state of a sequence is passed along each step of the way.
Below is the code that provides a working model that provides the number of sequences for a key depth of 10, later we will explore methods to optimize it.
Below is the code that provides a working model that provides the number of sequences for a key depth of 10, later we will explore methods to optimize it.
Top-Down Model Results:
What this top-down model proves is that there are 1,013,398 sequences possible for a depth of 10 keys and 18 sequences for a depth of 1 key. If we try to get a result with a depth of 32 keys, the algorithm will run far longer than you would expect with an algorithm complexity that is exponential. The reason it is so slow is that it is solving the same sub-problem over and over. We can do better than this if we are willing to use more space to memorize the solutions to the sub-problems.
Lets modify the code a bit to save the intermediate results (called memoization).
In function TraverseKeyPaths(), if we were to check to see if there was a solution for the given problem bound by three properties: pressedKey, pressesRemaining and vowelsAllowed then its possible to skip the recursion since it was already solved. If no solution exists, then perform the recursive calculation and store the result in the memoize array before returning to the caller. The space required is O(kp(v+1)) where k is the number of keys, p is sequence depth and v is the number of allowable vowels in a sequence.
The code below contains the modifications that implement memoization, note that this approach can work with any recursion problem set that solves subproblems.
Dynamic Programming with Memoization - Top Down
In function TraverseKeyPaths(), if we were to check to see if there was a solution for the given problem bound by three properties: pressedKey, pressesRemaining and vowelsAllowed then its possible to skip the recursion since it was already solved. If no solution exists, then perform the recursive calculation and store the result in the memoize array before returning to the caller. The space required is O(kp(v+1)) where k is the number of keys, p is sequence depth and v is the number of allowable vowels in a sequence.
The code below contains the modifications that implement memoization, note that this approach can work with any recursion problem set that solves subproblems.
Memoization results:
Now that the solution is only being calculated once, calculating the number of knight sequences to a depth of 36 happens very quickly. In fact, the XCode profiler can't event trap a sample on it. This is a very impressive speed improvement for not much memory, but in a memory constrained system the space required for memoizing may exceed the limits. In the next section we will examine what a bottom-up solution looks like and how it can help with memory usage.
Dynamic Programming - Bottom Up Approach
Compile Time Computation - Partial Template Specialization
Compile Time Computation - Meta Programming
Well that wraps this topic up - comments are welcome.
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ReplyDeleteIt says that the code is below, however I can not see it